CBSw 1.16 | Har ni dalahästar

In the latest episode of Coffee Break Swedish we’re going shopping! We’ll develop a range of new structures which will help us increase our confidence and mastery of Swedish. We’ll also learn how to use the language in a variety of situations where we need to buy things while in a Swedish-speaking area.

Chapitre 9 – Le moment propice était arrivé

It’s time for Chapter 9 of La Vérité éclate toujours and this week, we hear how James reacts when he discovers the identity of Yvette and the reason behind her visit. Will he reveal the secret he’s been keeping to himself? Listen to the episode to find out and pay attention to further examples of the past historic and present subjunctive, as well as the use of the present participle in structures such as tout en + present participle and rien qu’en + present participle. C’est parti !

Welcome to our new podcast for advanced French learners. In each episode of the story, published fortnightly, we’ll be following a chapter of La Vérité éclate toujours, specially written to help you build your knowledge of French and extend your range of expression. In the episodes, teacher Mark and narrator Pierre-Benoît will discuss the story, helping you to improve your listening skills.

There’s also an online course version of La Vérité éclate toujours which provides access to a range of additional materials including the text of each chapter, annotated notes, language study podcasts, vocabulary lists, video versions of each episode and our atelier linguistique which helps you to take the language you’ve covered in each chapter further. This course is available on the Coffee Break Academy.