Chapitre 24 – Il se sentait prêt et d’attaque

James, Claire, Yvette and Guillaume prepare for the next stage of their plan in Chapter 24 of La Vérité éclate toujours, our crime series for advanced learners of French. Coffee Break French hosts Mark and Pierre-Benoît break down the language featured in this latest instalment and discuss a range of new vocabulary and expressions such as la supercherie, viser juste and s’emmêler les pinceaux. This episode also features examples of the subjunctive including le temps que + present subjunctive and elle était contente que + perfect subjunctive.

Kulturhörnan 07 – Pippi Långstrump – Coffee Break Swedish culture

In Episode 7 of our Swedish culture mini-series, Kulturhörnan – “culture corner” – we’re learning about writer Astrid Lingdgren, best known for her children’s book series featuring Pippi Longstocking. Join Mark and Lovisa as they share a text about this famous Swedish writer and introduce new phrases, revise some more familiar vocabulary, and mention some slightly more advanced grammar.

Chapitre 23 – Le poisson avait bien mordu à l’hameçon !

James, Claire and Yvette discuss the details of their plan as they make their way back to Paris before taking the first step and finally getting in touch with Roger Martin. Some interesting expressions to listen out for in this chapter include: être à l’affût de quelque chose, mordre à l’hameçon and en guise de.