CBI 3.25 | Perfect and pluperfect subjunctive | In bocca al lupo per il colloquio!

We are back with another episode of Coffee Break Italian Season 3! In this episode we are focusing specifically on the perfect and pluperfect subjunctive. We then go on to listen to a dialogue based on a job interview: be sure to listen out for some key vocabulary which may come in useful for you when looking for a job in Italy. The episode includes vocabulary like: colloquio, stipendio, fare domanda and stagista.

CBG 3.25 | The Gerund as an Adjective | Ob sengende Hitze oder klirrende Kälte

Welcome to a new episode of Coffee Break German Season 3! In this episode we are introducing the gerund, as well as using the gerund as an adjective. We also learn a bit about Zurich from a travel article and listen out for some vocabulary from the article such as: Hauptstadt (f), Alpenstaat (m) and klirrende Kälte (f).

CBI 3.24 | Imperfect subjunctive | Casa dolce casa

Welcome back to a new episode of Coffee Break Italian Season 3! In this episode we continue our learning of the subjunctive by focusing on the imperfect subjunctive. We hear some examples of it in context through a dialogue between two friends who are attending a property viewing! Be sure to listen out for key vocabulary such as: magari, casa di campagna and traslocare.

CBG 3.24 | The Past Participle as an Adjective | Nehmen Sie den gekühlten Teig aus dem Kühlschrank

We are back with a new episode of Coffee Break German Season 3! In this episode we are learning about using the past participle as an adjective. You may already know the rules of adjectives in German and this knowledge will help to enhance your understanding of this new topic. We listen to a recipe for delicious biscuits called “Spitzbuben” and hear plenty of baking-themed vocabulary such as: Puderzucker, Teig and frisch gebacken.