La penúltima voluntad

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 20 – Un nuevo inicio

We reach the final chapter of our story and we find out how the breakthrough in the relationship between Carlos and Marta goes beyond their emotional bond. New words to listen out for include: descabellado, enfrascados and apurar.        

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 19 – La verdadera herencia

Carlos and Marta continue their conversation and admit the mistakes that they have both made in the past. However, Carlos worries about Marta’s reaction to his news. Listen out for new language which include: volver a la infancia, algunos cabos sueltos and nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena.

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 18 – Padre e hija

Carlos and Marta meet up in the square where they spent time during her childhood. They have a very honest conversation about the path that has led them both to this point. New phrases like nimiedades, encajar el golpe and ni en pintura are included in this latest episode.

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 17 – Más de una vida esperando

Carlos returns to the same bench in the same square he used to wait for Marta after school when she was a child. Will his game and these memories convince Marta of his plan? Find out more about Carlos in this latest chapter while listening for new phrases like llenar de elogios, tirar la toalla

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 16 – Lo verdaderamente importante

Marta opens the briefcase using the key from the last puzzle and finds something very special that her father has been working on. Will this finally change everything? Join Marta in this emotional chapter and listen out for the new phrases: dar en la nariz and de Pascuas a Ramos.

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 15 – El principio de todo

In this episode we start to see things more from Carlos’ point of view which helps us understand his character and motives a bit better. Listen out for new phrases like la edad del pavo and dar el brazo a torcer.

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 14 – El mejor escondite

In Chapter 14 we have another dialogue between Marta and her mother Pilar. While Marta continues playing her father’s game, we hear many interesting expressions like olerse la tostada and ser tal para cuál along with new verbs such as entrometerse.

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 13 – ¿Qué es lo más importante?

In this episode, Marta concentrates on solving the puzzle she abandoned many years ago while Pilar observes her and seems to know more than she is letting on… what could she and Carlos be hiding? As usual, the episode is packed with new and interesting words like callejón and phrases like darse por vencido and

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 12 – El último rompecabezas

In this episode we go with Marta back to her childhood; to her room, to her memories and to the last puzzle she ever received from her father. Can she find what she is looking for? Listen out for the new verbs corroer and rebuscar, and can you work out what ver algo con otros

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 11 – ¿Y ahora qué?

In Chapter 10, Pilar called Marta following a visit from an estate agent arranged by Carlos some time ago. Before Marta had the chance to uncover any information about her father, Pilar hung up the phone on her. Listen to this week’s episode as Marta heads to back to her childhood home to find out

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 10 – ¡Esto pasa de castaño oscuro!

In Chapter 10 of La penúltima voluntad, Pilar searches for Carlos and calls Marta looking for answers before finding out that Carlos has been plotting a secret plan. Throughout the episode we hear some Galician words such as fochicar and estragar as well as some interesting Spanish expressions like: ser muy suyo/a and llevar por

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 9 – Una entrevista con sorpresa

Following her latest clue, Marta finds herself at the Teatro Clásico and is taken aback by what is waiting for her there. While listening to this chapter, pay close attention to the interesting expressions which come up, including: tener delito, moririse de ganas de, costar trabajo and al borde de. We also learn about corrales

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 8 – Quique y sus helados

Welcome back to the next instalment of La Penúltima Voluntad! In this chapter, Marta takes a trip down memory lane as she makes her way to the ice-cream shop that she used to visit with her parents. While looking for her next clue, Marta uncovers some important information. Be sure to listen out for some

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 7 – La preocupación de Jorge

In Chapter 7 of La penúltima voluntad, we join Marta just as she receives a phone call from her husband, Jorge. Throughout the episode, we get to know a bit more about Marta’s personal life while hearing some interesting Argentinian expressions, including: estar hecho percha, copado, bárbaro and bancar.

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 6 – Un recuerdo entrañable

It’s time for the next instalment of La penúltima voluntad! After finding a riddle on the floor in the museum, Marta begins the scavenger hunt organised by her father. But where does the first clue lead to? While listening to this episode, take note of the range of nouns, including: acertijo, pista and comisura. We

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 5 – El comienzo del juego

Welcome to the newest chapter of La penúltima voluntad! In this episode Marta decides to go to the museum and remembers all the places she used visit on her way there. She reminisces on some happy memories with Carlos, but the day takes a turn when she makes a discovery in the museum. Listen out

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 4 – Pilar y sus propuestas

It’s time for another chapter of La penúltima voluntad! In this episode, we are introduced to Pilar, from whom Marta tries to find out some information about Carlos. Marta is concerned about her father’s behaviour and worries something may be wrong with Carlos after receiving her inheritance. Listen out for some interesting nouns such as

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 3 – ¡Menuda herencia!

In Chapter 3 of La penúltima voluntad, Marta wonders what’s inside the envelope that Carlos has given her. She has some ideas about what it might contain but her main concern is who will take over her father’s company in future. Will she find the answers she’s looking for? Listen to the episode to find

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 2 – Tengamos la fiesta en paz

Welcome to the second chapter of La penúltima voluntad, our podcast series for advanced learners of Spanish. In this chapter, we hear the conversation between Marta and Carlos. Throughout this dialogue, in which Carols justifies his behaviour, we learn about their relationship and get to know Carlos’ character and personality. Take note of the idiomatic

Coffee Break Spanish

Capítulo 1 – Un susto de muerte

Marta de los Llanos receives a phone call from the family lawyer asking her to attend the reading of her father’s will. But no one had even told her that her father had passed away! Marta travels to the capital to go to her parents’ house and see her mother, Pilar. There, she discovers what