
Coffee Break German

CBG 3.40 | Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein | Ende gut, alles gut

Welcome to the final episode of Coffee Break German Season 3. In this episode we conclude our story series “Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein” by listening to Marian tell Lucie his news and then the two share a big hug. This last episode is packed full of grammar topics which have been covered in the

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.39 | Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein | Bangen und stille Freude

We’re back with the penultimate episode of Coffee Break German Season 3! In this instalment of our story series “Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein” Marian receives another email about his future. In this episode listen out for a different way to emphasise adjectives in German and the apt idiom über den Berg sein.

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.38 | Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein | Künftige Mitbewohner:innen

We’re back with a new episode of Coffee Break German Season 3 and therefore another instalment of our story series “Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein”! In this episode, the twins are preoccupied with preparations for their respective future studies; Lucie has even already found friends and met her future roommate online on the forum for

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.37 | Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein | Väterlicher Rat

Welcome back to another episode of Coffee Break German Season 3 and in this episode we have a further instalment of our story series “Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein”! In this part of the story, we hear a conversation between father and son: keeping his best interests in mind, observant father Michael talks to Marian

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.36 | Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein | Ein Wechselbad der Gefühle

We’re back with a new episode of Coffee Break German Season 3 and another instalment of our story series “Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein”! In this part of the story we find out about Marian’s email from UCLA and how family and friends react to the news. In this episode, among other things, you will

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.35 | Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein | Emails aus Kalifornien

We’re back with a new episode of Coffee Break German Season 3 and another instalment of “Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein”! In this segment of the story Lucie and Marian are at home, enjoying the sun and the peace after the exciting celebration that was the prom. But suddenly, Lucie receives a long awaited e-mail!

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.34 | Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein | Der Abiball

Welcome back to a new episode of Coffee Break German Season 3. In this episode we are listening to the fourth part of our story series ‘Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein‘! In this segment of the story the whole family are attending the “Abiball” to celebrate the end of the twins’ school career. It is

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.33 | Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein | Vorfreude und Vorbereitungen

In episode 33 of Coffee Break German Season 3, we listen to the third instalment of our story series ‘Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein‘! After enjoying a delicious meal with their family to celebrate Marian and Lucie’s exam results, they sit down with their father Michael to further discuss preparations for moving to California. In

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.32 | Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein | Zweifel und Zeugnisvergabe

We’re back with the next instalment of our story “Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein“! In this episode Marian is preparing to give a speech at school graduation, while Lucie has jumped ahead in planning her university accommodation. The more confident twin offers encouragement to her doubtful brother. In this episode, among other things, you can

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.31 | Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein | Endlich geschafft!

Welcome back to Coffee Break German Season 3! In this episode we are introduced to our new story – Ein Zwilling studiert selten allein! In the first instalment twins Marian and Lucie have received their school leaving results and are celebrating with friends. We hope your enjoy this 10 part story that reviews all the

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.30 | Review episode 3.21 – 3.30

Join Mark and Andrea to review all of the key points covered throughout episodes 21 to 29. From the passive, to ordinal numbers, the subjunctive and more, this episode is essential to cement your understanding of these tricky grammar points!

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.29 | Subjunctive 2 – hypothesis | Das wäre super!

In this episode of Coffee Break German Mark and Andrea are continuing to focus on the subjunctive, more specifically they are discussing how to make hypothetical statements, like conditionals and wishes. We’ll learn to use the subjunctive with wenn/falls, with inversion, and take a look at the subjunctive in the past to express impossible conditionals

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.26 | Connectors | Entweder das Eine oder das Andere

In this episode of Coffee Break German Season 3 we are focusing on another range of connectors such as: entweder… oder, sowohl…. als auch, sowie, sondern, weder…..noch. In this episode’s dialogue, we hear characters Sabine and Thomas as they discuss living somewhere new. Listen out for some vocabulary used throughout the dialogue like: auf dem Land

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.23 | Ordinal Numbers | Die erste Destination ist Atlanta

We’re back with another episode of Coffee Break German Season 3 and we are revisiting the topic of ordinal numbers! Although this is a topic you may already be familiar with from the beginning of your learning experience, today we are focusing on something new by looking at capitalisation. We will also look at superlatives

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.22 | Separable Verbs | Wann kommt der nächste bus vorbei?

Welcome to the latest episode of Coffee Break German! In this episode we revisit the topic of separable verbs, but today we focus on them with vorbei, weiter, zurück and weg. We listen to a dialogue between two people lost in a city, who ask a local for directions. Listen out for some key vocabulary

Coffee Break German

CBG 3.21 | The Passive | So wird der Whisky gebrannt

Welcome back to another episode of Coffee Break German! In this episode we are learning about the passive which is created with werden and the past participle. We then listen to a dialogue of a tour guide escorting his visitors around a distillery and he explains the process of making whisky! Listen out for some