CBI 3.23 | Consolidation of present subjunctive | Il cliente ha sempre ragione!

We are back with another episode of Coffee Break Italian Season 3! In this episode we are consolidating our learning of the present subjunctive which was covered in the previous episode. We listen to a dialogue between a client and a bank clerk on the topic of credit cards. Listen out for some useful vocabulary such as; carta di credito, scadere and scoperto.

CBG 3.23 | Ordinal Numbers | Die erste Destination ist Atlanta

We’re back with another episode of Coffee Break German Season 3 and we are revisiting the topic of ordinal numbers! Although this is a topic you may already be familiar with from the beginning of your learning experience, today we are focusing on something new by looking at capitalisation. We will also look at superlatives that are used in the same way as ordinal numbers. We hear a dialogue between two people discussing a holiday and listen out for the vocabulary unbedingt, Flughafenbus (m) and innerhalb von.

CBI 3.22 | Present subjunctive | Il regalo perfetto

Welcome to the latest episode of Coffee Break Italian! In this episode we are focusing on the structure of the present subjunctive and we will look at both regular and irregular forms. We will also listen to its use in context through a shopping dialogue. Listen out for the expression: a caval donato non si guarda in bocca.

CBG 3.22 | Separable Verbs | Wann kommt der nächste bus vorbei?

Welcome to the latest episode of Coffee Break German! In this episode we revisit the topic of separable verbs, but today we focus on them with vorbei, weiter, zurück and weg. We listen to a dialogue between two people lost in a city, who ask a local for directions. Listen out for some key vocabulary including sich verlaufen, Anweisung (f) and Rathaus (n) which may come in useful for you in similar situations!