Coffee Break French News – Live Q&A

Coffee Break French host Mark did a live Q&A broadcast on Facebook last night in which he answered listeners’ questions and made some exciting announcements about future Coffee Break French projects. Watch the broadcast below. Please note we had some technical problems at the beginning of the broadcast, but you can skip ahead to 2:30 and start watching there.

Questions featured in this episode

  • How can I build reading skills in French with newspapers and online publications?
  • Is it possible to print the lesson notes two pages at a time?
  • Is there a way to slow down the French in the podcasts?
  • Do you have any resources for younger learners of French?
  • Is there anything which bridges the gap between Season 3 and Season 4?
  • Can I use an app to listen to Coffee Break French?
  • Is Coffee Break French Season 5 coming soon?

A new series is on its way

Mark announced that we’re getting ready to launch a new series of Coffee Break French which we’re calling En Route avec Coffee Break French. In this new series, listeners will join Mark as he travels around French-speaking parts of the world, talking to locals and visitors alike and learning about life in the local area. Each episode will feature a series of interviews and listeners can build their comprehension skills with authentic conversations with French speakers. The En Route avec Coffee Break French podcast will launch in July 2017 and the premium materials will feature extra audio content, video materials and transcripts of all the conversations.

The Masterclass returns

We’ve been moving the Coffee Break French Masterclass into our new Academy and we’ll be relaunching the Masterclass on 1st July 2017. This is a six-month course which offers regular lessons spread over six modules, helping intermediate learners build their understanding and develop key skills in aspects of French grammar. It is aimed at learners who have completed Season 2 or who are working on Season 3. The new Masterclass will be open for registration in June and the course will begin on July 1. The “class of July 2017” will enjoy audio, video and text materials and will be able to contribute to discussions and post their “homework” in a private discussion area. We’ll be running a series of webinars introducing the Masterclass over the month of June and will post more information about these shortly.

CBI 2.09 | Sai che vado a Londra domani?

In this lesson we’ll be taking a look at four common irregular verbs which end in -ere: bere (to drink), tenere (to hold/keep), sapere (to know) and conoscere (also to know). You’ll also learn the difference between the two verbs which can be translated as “to know” and when to use them.

CBC 1.12 | Wǒ yào hǎixiān chǎofàn – Ordering food in Mandarin

It’s time to learn how to order food in a Chinese restaurant using Mandarin. You’ll learn various words and phrases to help you get a table, ask for a menu in English and if you’re struggling with chopsticks you can ask for a knife and fork. You’ll also learn to talk about typical food – everything from egg fried rice to chicken chow mein!

CBG 2.08 | Ich habe großen Hunger, denn ich habe heute noch nichts gegessen

In this lesson of Coffee Break German you’ll learn how to give a reason – without having to worry about word order! This lesson introduces the word “denn” and you’ll be delighted to know that it does not change the word order of your sentence.

CBI 2.08 | Hai bisogno di aiuto?

In this episode you’ll learn to use avere and essere, two of the most important Italian verbs. In addition to the normal uses you’ll also learn to use the verbs in a number of idiomatic expressions. By the end of this lesson you’ll be a master of “being” and “having” in Italian!

CBC 1.11 | Qǐng gěi wǒ yì bēi lǚchá – Ordering drinks in Chinese

In this lesson you’ll learn to order drinks in a Chinese café or tea house. In addition to building your vocabulary for common drinks in Mandarin, you’ll also learn the structures used to ask for things. You’ll quickly find how easy it is to reuse these structures in other situations, and before long you’ll be ready to order a cup of jasmine tea, a mineral water and lots more!

CBG 2.07 | Wir sind nach Berlin geflogen

We’ve dealt with the Perfect Tense using the verb haben, but there are some verbs which need to use sein as the auxiliary verb when forming the Perfect. In this lesson you’ll learn which verbs take sein, and how to say where you went, when you woke up, when you were born and how you travelled. It’s all about a change of place or state…

CBI 2.07 | Faccio colazione, e poi vado alla spiaggia perché fa bello!

This lesson focuses on two very important irregular verbs, andare (“to go”) and fare which means “to do” or “to make”, but is used in many other expressions. You’ll learn to conjugate these verbs and through a series of dialogues between Mark, Francesca and Isla, you’ll practise using the verbs, helping you to consolidate what you’ve learned.