CBF-ER 1.09 | Prochain Arrêt : Monaco

In this episode of En Route avec Coffee Break French, Mark heads to the Principality of Monaco where he attends the Changing of the Guard, meets Riviera blogger Kevin Hin, and experiences the ePrix, a version of the Grand Prix for electronic racing cars. As usual, you’ll be learning about the area while improving your French through the interviews and language study provided in the lesson.

To find out more about the French Riviera visit Kevin’s blog at french-riviera-blog.com.

Listen to the lesson

The audio lesson is free, as are all the main audio lessons of En Route avec Coffee Break French. Use the audio player above to listen to the lesson, or subscribe in Apple Podcasts to receive this lesson and all future lessons automatically. If you can’t see the player above, click here to access the lesson.

Accessing the Premium Version

In the full course of En Route you’ll get access to every episode as it’s released. The premium version includes additional materials which will help you move forward more effectively with your French studies:

  • transcripts: read every word of French included in the conversations;
  • vocabulary lists: in addition to the transcripts, we’ll provide vocabulary lists to help you understand everything that’s said;
  • bonus audio materials: where an edited version of an interview is included in the main lesson, we’ll provide the full recording in the course to allow you to develop your comprehension skills further;
  • exclusive video content: in addition to recording interviews in the south of France, the Coffee Break Team also filmed some video content and this video material is included in the course. Please note that these are not video versions of the interviews.

The En Route course can be accessed on the Coffee Break Academy.

Subscribe links

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts | RSS Feed | Purchase full course


CBI 2.28 | Dopo aver fatto colazione, vado al lavoro

In this episode of Coffee Break Italian we’re looking at two constructions which will help you increase your range of expression easily and effectively. You’ll learn to use prima di + infinitive and dopo + past infinitive with both avere and essere verbs. Once you’ve mastered these expressions you’ll be able to talk about “before doing something” and “after doing something”, and understand the nuances of each of these expressions in their Italian translations.

CBG 2.28 | Deutschschüler sind Leute, die Deutsch lernen

Coffee Break German is the course which teaches you German. Andrea is the teacher who helps Mark learn. You are the student who is learning along with Mark, and this is the lesson in which you’ll learn all about relative pronouns in German! We’ll learn how to use relative pronouns to combine two clauses together and how relative pronouns work with different genders and cases. All will become clear!

CBG 2.27 | Wir sollten wirklich nach Zürich fahren

In this lesson we’re dealing with what, on the surface, seems like a tricky topic: the use of the verb sollen. We’ll learn to use the verb in the Present and Präteritum, and we’ll learn about the subtle differences of using each tense. Sollen is used to say what someone “should do”, or “ought to do”, and the key question involves whether or not you’re being given advice, a suggestion is being made, or indeed you’ve already been given orders by someone else (e.g. doctor, teacher, parent, etc.) to do it! Complicated stuff, but we’ll help you sort it all out!

CBI 2.27 | Fra 10 minuti dobbiamo essere da tuo zio!

We’re back with the second instalment of our two-part preposition marathon. In this episode you’ll learn all you need to know about the prepositions di, da, con, per and tra/fra. Once again, there are some crucial nuances with certain prepositions which can completely change the meaning, so listen carefully in this lesson! As usual, Francesca and Mark provide plenty of examples to help, and Isla puts what she learns to the test with a translation challenge. By the time you’ve completed this lesson you’ll be a preposition pro!

CBF-ER 1.08 | De Sospel à Gorbio

Welcome to our “frogs and dogs” episode of En Route avec Coffee Break French. In this episode Mark starts in the village of Sospel which straddles the Bévéra river and is a popular destination for walkers and cyclists. He then travels on to the village of Gorbio and has a coffee break with photographer Jilly Bennett whose passion is for photographing the life – and dogs – of the village. As usual, the episode is full of fascinating insights into the local area, and plenty of French to help you practise your listening skills.

The village of Gorbio – ©Copyright Jilly Bennett

To find out more about Jilly and her work, please visit her website.

Listen to the lesson

The audio lesson is free, as are all the main audio lessons of En Route avec Coffee Break French. Use the audio player above to listen to the lesson, or subscribe in Apple Podcasts to receive this lesson and all future lessons automatically. If you can’t see the player above, click here to access the lesson.

Accessing the Premium Version

In the full course of En Route you’ll get access to every episode as it’s released. The premium version includes additional materials which will help you move forward more effectively with your French studies:

  • transcripts: read every word of French included in the conversations;
  • vocabulary lists: in addition to the transcripts, we’ll provide vocabulary lists to help you understand everything that’s said;
  • bonus audio materials: where an edited version of an interview is included in the main lesson, we’ll provide the full recording in the course to allow you to develop your comprehension skills further;
  • exclusive video content: in addition to recording interviews in the south of France, the Coffee Break Team also filmed some video content and this video material is included in the course. Please note that these are not video versions of the interviews.

The En Route course can be accessed on the Coffee Break Academy.

Subscribe links

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts | RSS Feed | Purchase full course