CBSw 1.31 | Välkomna till Sverige!

We are back after a short break and over the course of the next ten lessons we will be taking our Swedish to the next level and really putting what we have learned into practice. We will follow Mark and his wife Catriona as they take a virtual trip to Sweden, allowing Mark to put his Swedish skills to the test in conversations with native speakers. In Lesson 31, we start at the very beginning of the trip – at the airport. Låt oss börja!

Chapitre 31 – Il était d’un naturel époustouflant

Welcome to the first chapter of the fourth and final part of La Vérité éclate toujours, our crime drama series for advanced French learners. In this episode, James and Guillaume attend their meeting with Roger Martin who is as unpleasant and rude as they expected, but James manages to stay in the character of David Munro and play along. Throughout the chapter, we come across many interesting expressions including cirer les pompes de quelqu’un and en connaître un rayon. We also see a range of subjunctive triggers such as s’étonner que and falloir que.

There’s also an online course version of La Vérité éclate toujours which provides access to a range of additional materials including the text of each chapter, annotated notes, language study podcasts, vocabulary lists, video versions of each episode and our atelier linguistique which helps you to take the language you’ve covered in each chapter further. This course is available on the Coffee Break Academy.

CBG 3.03 | Using the pronouns welche and diese | Mit welchem Schiff fahren wir?

In Lesson 3 from Coffee Break German Season 3, Mark and Andrea discuss the use of pronouns welche and diese before listening to a dialogue in which a tour guide shows a group of tourists around the city of Zurich. Be sure to take note of the use of the pronouns welche/welcher/welches and diese/dieser/dieses throughout the conversation.

If you’d like to take advantage of bonus materials, lesson notes and a translation challenge, you can access the full Coffee Break German Season 3 course on the Coffee Break Academy.

CBI 3.03 | Simple future | Ci trasferiamo in Australia!

Join hosts Mark and Francesca in Lesson 3 of Coffee Break Italian Season 3 as they discuss the simple future. We talk about the structure of the tense and how it is formed and used in Italian. We also hear a dialogue between a father and daughter who are discussing aspects about their lives in the near future. Be sure to listen carefully for several verbs in the future tense!

If you’d like to take advantage of bonus materials, lesson notes and a translation challenge, you can access the full Coffee Break Italian Season 3 course on the Coffee Break Academy.

CBG 3.02 | The Gender of German nouns | Was für eine Gelegenheit!

In this second episode from Season 3 of Coffee Break German, Mark and Andrea review the rules for the articles der, die and das. We also hear a dialogue between Gundula and Karl as they discuss an art exhibition before going on to have drink at a local Kneipe.

If you’d like to take advantage of bonus materials, lesson notes and a translation challenge, you can access the full Coffee Break German Season 3 course on the Coffee Break Academy.

CBI 3.02 | Direct object pronouns with compound tenses | Pronti per la festa

Welcome to another episode from Season 3 of Coffee Break Italian! This time, Mark and Francesca discuss direct object pronouns with compound tenses and the use of agreements with the past participle. We also hear a dialogue in which three friends, Mirko, Diego, and Daniela discuss the details of a party they are organising.

If you’d like to take advantage of bonus materials, lesson notes and a translation challenge, you can access the full Coffee Break Italian Season 3 course on the Coffee Break Academy.