Episode 23 – Season 4 – Coffee Break Spanish

We join María for her latest diary entry in which she updates us on the latest developments in the plans for the search for the sunken treasure. As usual, there are many interesting language points, and in this preview episode Carmen and Mark discuss one in particular: the use of the ‘vosotros’ imperative form in the positive and negative. For further discussions in the extended version, a full transcript and bonus listening materials, see below.

Episode 22 – Season 4 – Coffee Break Spanish

In the latest episode of Coffee Break Spanish we eavesdrop on a conversation between Rory and Alejandro in which they continue to plan their search for the missing treasure. This episode gives us further opportunities to experience more Argentinian Spanish, and Mark and Carmen are on hand to discuss the grammar and idiomatic expressions contained in the episode.

Episode 21 – Season 4 – Coffee Break Spanish

We’re back with a new episode of Coffee Break Spanish, catching up with our story featuring Scottish student Rory who’s spending the summer in Mallorca with his Spanish girlfriend María and their friend Alejandro. Things have moved on, and María is now keen to be involved in the plan to search for sunken treasure, revealing a surprise to Rory about how she can help them in their adventure.