CBI 1:31 | Arriviamo in Italia!

We’re back with another episode of Coffee Break Italian, and it’s time to put Katie’s Italian to the test. Mark and Katie have travelled to Italy to meet up with Francesca and together they’ve recorded a series of conversations. In lesson 31 you’ll join the team as they arrive in Italy and prepare for the coming visit, learning a few new phrases along the way.

Episode 26 – Season 4 – Coffee Break Spanish

It’s time for another episode in our series for advanced Spanish learners. Join Mark and Carmen as they discuss the latest developments in our story featuring María, her Scottish boyfriend Rory and his Argentinian friend Alejandro as they embark upon the search for sunken treasure off the coast of the island of Mallorca. The text, as ever, is rich in idiomatic expressions, complex grammar points, and useful vocabulary which you’ll be able to put into use in your own speaking and writing.

Coffee Break French One Second Search 04

Welcome back to the One Second Search – a fun activity to test your French vocabulary. In our most recent newsletter we included a beautiful video about the sites of Paris and so this grid is filled with words associated with the capital; try to think of tourist attractions and the different areas of the city.

Here’s your challenge:

1. Look at the word grid below which is filled with words you would associate with Paris.

2. When you have found a word, try to find out an interesting fact about it.

3. Post a comment to share your findings with everyone else.

Qu’est-ce que vous préférez faire à Paris? Dites-le-nous!