CBI 1:23 | Visiting the doctor’s or pharmacy in Italian

It’s time to continue our topic of aches and pains as we take our next steps in Italian with Coffee Break Italian. In this episode you’ll learn to describe your symptoms and to understand the recommendations give to you by the doctor or pharmacist.

CBI 1:22 | Talking about aches and pains in Italian

Hopefully this won’t happen to you while you’re travelling in Italy, but sometimes we have to visit the doctor or a pharmacy and explain our aches and pains. In this episode you’ll learn the words for different parts of the body and how to say that something is sore or that you have headache, stomachache, backache, etc. You’ll also learn how to use the verb avere, meaning “to have”.

Celebrating 9 years of Radio Lingua

Nine years ago today we published the first episode of Coffee Break Spanish. Since then we’ve gone on to publish courses in 27 languages, and we’ve delivered over 160 million language lessons to learners around the world.

Some of the team have spent this weekend in London at the Language Show where we’ve been meeting thousands of language lovers, among them many members of the Coffee Break learning community. To celebrate our 9th birthday we’ve put together a special show featuring interviews with some of our listeners which we’ve recorded here at the Language Show.

Listen to the episode

If you’d like to tell us your story and potentially be featured in a future episode of one of our courses, click here.

CBI 1-21 | Talking about the weather in Italian

Bentornati! We’re back with another lesson of Coffee Break Italian. If there’s one topic which everyone loves talking about, it has to be the weather. It’s a great conversation starter, and it also will help you plan your activities while travelling in an Italian-speaking country! In lesson 21 you’ll learn to talk about the weather.

Episode 15 – Season 4 – Coffee Break Spanish

In this lesson of Coffee Break Spanish we listen to Carmen’s response to the letter of Jesús which we read in the last episode. This provides a further opportunity to look at a different, more formal, style of language which is rich in expressions and grammar points