Meet the CoffeeBreakers


Meet Martina, Coffee Break French learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. Australia has been my home for more than 3 decades. I was born in Finland, I lived in Sweden for two years in my teens and in Scotland for 5 years in my 20s. I


Meet Susan, Coffee Break French learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. My name is Susan, I live in Michigan and I am a 4th generation Finnish-American. I’ve been learning with Coffee Break French for 5 years. What experience have you had speaking and learning other languages?


Meet James, Coffee Break Spanish, Italian, French and Swedish learner

This week, 31 year old Gardener, James from the South of England, tells us how he transitioned from having no knowledge of any foreign languages to becoming a language enthusiast, thanks to learning with Coffee Break. For the past 20 years, James has been making trips to his holiday home in Torrevieja, just south of


Meet Heather, Coffee Break French learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. My name is Heather, and I live in Madoc, Ontario, Canada. I am Canadian, but come from Scottish parents. I started listening and downloading the Coffee Break French podcasts a few years ago. What experience


Meet Emma, Coffee Break Spanish learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. I’m Emma, and I’ve been living in Germany for 12 years. I’m British and naturalised German, and I’ve been using the Coffee Break Spanish Masterclass since October. I also tried Coffee Break Spanish for a


Meet James Michael, Coffee Break French and Italian learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. My name is James and I was born and raised in Southern California in a very mono-lingual family. I started learning Spanish at school when I was 12 years old. Changing schools meant that even


Meet Parul, Coffee Break German learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. I am a creative Indian working in a global environment. Though, like all Indians I’m already a multilingual, to learn a foreign language was a long-standing dream. Four years ago when my profession offered me


Meet Keith, Coffee Break French learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. Hi, my name is Keith and I live with Julie in Hertfordshire. I am English and have been learning with Coffee Break French for just over a year. What experience have you had speaking and


Meet Robert, Coffee Break Spanish learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. My name is Robert. I live in New Zealand. I am a kiwi. I purchased Coffee Break Spanish some time ago. It is only recently after listening to Coffee Break Co-pilot that I came to


Meet Tony, Coffee Break French learner

Keen cyclists, Tony and his wife, live on the west coast of Canada and over recent years have cycled a great deal in Canada, the UK and Ireland. They started learning French after planning a 3-week cycling trip to Normandy and have been listening to Coffee Break French on a regular basis ever since their


Meet John, Coffee Break Spanish learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. I’m John from Portland Oregon, USA. I’ve been studying with Coffee Break Spanish for approximately 10 years. What experience have you had speaking and learning other languages?  Holiday trips with family to Mexico, dental clinics


Meet Richard, Coffee Break German learner

This week, we’re talking to Finance Manager Richard who lives in the Netherlands, not far from Rotterdam. He’s been learning German with Coffee Break, and at the time of speaking with him, he was preparing for a trip to Germany over the festive season. Having previously learned some Spanish from Season 1 of Coffee Break


Meet Catharine, Coffee Break French learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. My name is Catharine, I am Professor of Viola in Ohio, U.S.A. I first heard of Coffee Break French when I was in New York in December (2018) at a reception following a concert my


Meet Liz, Coffee Break Spanish learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. I am Liz from Taiwan and live in Germany. I have been learning Spanish with Coffee Break Spanish for 3 months. What experience have you had speaking and learning other languages? I was born in


Meet Freya, Coffee Break German learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. My name is Freya, I am British and I live in the East of England. I have been learning with Coffee Break for two months. Which language or languages are you learning with Coffee Break?


Meet Gail, Coffee Break French and German learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. I am Gail, originally from Glasgow in Scotland but living in Switzerland for the last 7 years. I have been learning with CB courses for about 6 years. Which language or languages are you learning


Meet Liane, Coffee Break Spanish learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us. I’m Liane from Australia . I’ve been following Coffee Break Spanish for about 3 years. Which language or languages are you learning with Coffee Break? Spanish What experience have you had speaking and learning other


Meet Yvonne, Coffee Break Italian learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us.  Hello I’m Yvonne, an American living in the beautiful state of Vermont. I started using Coffee Break Italian at the end of January 2018, prompted by an upcoming trip to Italy in May. I travelled


Meet Daniel, Coffee Break Chinese learner

Working for a multinational software company in Colombia, Daniel is required to speak a number of languages on a regular basis. His language learning journey started at a young age: “When I was younger I went to a bilingual school here in Colombia and afterwards my father moved to Brazil so then I learned Portuguese over


Meet Carol, Coffee Break Spanish learner

Tell us who you are, where you live, your nationality and how long you’ve been learning a language with us.  I’m a Medical Historian, I’m British and I live in Dorset, and I’ve been learning Spanish with Coffee Break for a year. I back up my Coffee Break lessons with a weekly Spanish class in