CBP 1.22 | Aches and pains – Vocabulary for body parts, symptoms and illnesses

In lesson 22 of our course, teacher Rafael and learner Ava are talking about aches and pains, and how to say that you’re not feeling well. We’ll be learning some parts of the body in Portuguese, how to say that we are experiencing a problem with one of these, the vocabulary for some other health problems, and some other useful phrases that you can use if you’re visiting a doctor. We’ll also be joined by Catarina in today’s Cafezinho com Catarina, in which we’ll be learning all about fado.

CBP 1.21 | The weather – How to talk about the weather in Portuguese

Welcome back to another lesson of Coffee Break Portuguese! We’re now halfway through our 40-lesson course and in lesson 21 we are talking about the weather. We’ll be learning how to ask what the weather is like today and what it is going to be like tomorrow, how to answer these questions to describe various types of weather, and hear a weather forecast for Portugal in today’s Cafezinho com Catarina. We’ll also have a more in-depth look at one particular aspect of Portuguese grammar – the difference between the verbs ser and estar, which both translate as “to be”. Vamos lá!