C’est chic ! – Coffee Break French Travel Diaries Episode 6

Welcome back to the Coffee Break French Travel Diaries! Join Lara and Noah as they leave Marseille for Valence on their train trip around the south of France.

The Travel Diaries will be published in one season of ten episodes on a weekly basis. If you’d like to access lesson notes and a video version which features pauses after each sentence to allow you to practise your pronunciation, check out the full course on the Coffee Break Academy.

At Coffee Break French we provide content for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners, along with regular mini lessons on social media. Visit coffeebreakfrench.com for all the information you need to build your confidence in French, whatever your level.

CBS To Go 2.06 | Si pudieras ir a cualquier lugar del mundo, ¿adónde irías? – If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

In this episode of Coffee Break Spanish To Go, Marina asks the question, si pudieras ir a cualquier lugar del mundo, ¿adónde irías? (informal) or si pudiera ir a cualquier lugar del mundo, ¿adónde iría usted? (formal). You can use the answers of our interviewees to help you answer this question in Spanish.

In the second part of the video, we’ve provided subtitles in Spanish at the top of the screen. You can choose to turn on subtitles in English using the Subtitles/CC button.

In this second series of Coffee Break Spanish To Go, Marina is in the city of Salamanca in Spain, and in each episode she’ll ask passers-by one question. Of course, that one question will result in many answers, and it’s through these answers that you can practise your Spanish and build your vocabulary.

Coffee Break Spanish To Go will be published every two weeks here on YouTube, and each Season will be filmed in a different part of the Spanish-speaking world.

If you’d prefer not to wait for all 10 lessons of Season 2 to be published, you can access downloadable versions of the videos along with audio versions and lesson notes / transcripts in the Coffee Break Academy. 

Coffee Break Spanish To Go is based on the popular podcast series and online course Coffee Break Spanish. For access to the free podcasts, please click here.

To purchase our full online courses on the Coffee Break Academy, click here.