
TFT: Le blues du businessman

Salut ! This week’s Tune for Tuesday comes from Céline Dion, from French-speaking Quebec in Canada. Although well-known for her hits in English, she mainly sings in French. Her cover of Le blues du businessman, originally performed by Claude Dubois in 1978, was a major hit throughout French-speaking Canada and France, and still is today. Have a listen to it throughout the week – you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll begin to understand more of the lyrics! While you’re listening, see if you can spot the repeated use of the conditional perfect tense – “J’aurais voulu” – meaning “I would have wanted”!

Even if French isn’t your language, we hope you enjoy this song and listen to some of the others in a range of languages in our Spotify and YouTube playlists below.

If you’d like to hear Le blues du businessman sung more slowly, we recommend watching the YouTube video below and selecting a slower playback speed by clicking on the settings symbol. We cannot publish the lyrics due to copyright reasons, but you can find them by following this link. Try reading them while you listen to the song, to help you recognise the words you’re hearing.

Watch on YouTube

Listen on Spotify

Not got a Spotify account? To follow our playlist and keep up to date with the songs we’re adding, you can create a free Spotify account here.

Get the most out of Tune for Tuesday

We’ll be publishing our Tune for Tuesday songs on our website and linking to versions of the songs on both YouTube and Spotify. To access the full Spotify playlist you’ll need a Spotify account, but don’t worry, you can create a free Spotify account here.

If you use another streaming service or would like to access the songs on a different platform, just search for the song name in your favourite music app!

The Tune for Tuesday Playlist

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