La Vérité éclate toujours – Advanced French Course

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 20 – Un autre morceau du puzzle venait d’être trouvé

It’s time for Chapter 20 of La Vérité éclate toujours where we join James, Claire and Yvette as they drive to the university where Claire searches for information which she used for her research on la Namérie and its natural resources, while doing her doctorate. Their trip leads them to a valuable discovery which takes them one step

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 19 – Un silence de mort régnait dans la pièce

In the latest episode of La Vérité éclate toujours, Yvette, James and Claire put their heads together as they try to make sense of their latest finding. As they attempt to piece elements of the story together, James wonders what the future has in store for them. Amongst the details revealed in this Chapter, we

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 18 – Elle avait très, très peur pour eux tous

It’s time for another Chapter of La Vérité éclate toujours, our crime drama for advanced learners of French. In Chapter 18, James, Yvette and Claire are in shock having just opened the box to reveal diamonds and they are trying to figure out how they fit into what they know so far. James and Claire spend

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 17 – On ne sait pas à qui on a affaire …

In the latest instalment of La Vérité éclate toujours, we hear a dialogue between James, Yvette, Claire and a brand new character. James, Yvette and Claire take some time to calm down after their narrow escape at the bank before planning their next move and making their way to Geneva. After getting settled in a safe location,

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 16 – On a eu chaud !

We’re back with a brand new episode of La Vérité éclate toujours! As James, Yvette and Claire arrive in Zurich, Claire suggests they visit the bank in an attempt to look for clues in her ex-husband’s safety-deposit box. Everything is going smoothly as Claire succeeds in accessing the box, when all of a sudden she

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 15 – Toutes ces questions s’accélérènt dans sa tête

In the latest episode of our advanced course for French learners, La Vérité éclate toujours, James, Yvette and Claire are on the move as they’re en route to Zurich to follow the only lead in their investigation so far. While James has so many unanswered questions spinning around his head throughout the journey, Claire provides further details

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 14 – C’est la seule piste que nous ayons !

James, Yvette and Claire are in disbelief as they discover the name of Claire’s ex-husband in one of the documents on Max’s USB stick. In an attempt to figure out how everything could be connected, they further examine the contents of the document, and make another discovery that leads them to the next stage of

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 13 – James cliqua sur le premier fichier

Having got to know each other a littler better, James, Claire and Yvette turn their attention to the investigation at hand. After a restless night’s sleep, they begin to examine the files on the USB stick. Claire is shocked to see a name on the first file they open. As ever, the episode is full

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 12 – Claire soupira et commença à parler

In the latest episode of La Vérité éclate toujours, Claire tells her story to James. She explains her past relationship with Max and the series of events which have led to her bringing up Yvette on her own. In this episode we’ll see some really interesting adjectives which describe certain people in Claire’s life including

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 11 – Ils avaient les nerfs à fleur de peau

We have reached the first chapter in Part 2 of our drama, La Vérité éclate toujours, for advanced learners of French. So far, in Part 1, we have learned that James is on a mission to find out what happened to his best friend Max who is in a critical condition in hospital. Upon meeting Max’s daughter Yvette, he

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 10 – James clique sur l’icône de la vidéo…

In the latest instalment of La Vérité éclate toujours, we hear another dialogue between James and Yvette before they decide to look at the contents of the USB stick and James clique sur l’icône de la vidéo. What will they discover? There’s only one way to find out! We hear a variety of colloquial structures and

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 9 – Le moment propice était arrivé

It’s time for Chapter 9 of La Vérité éclate toujours and this week, we hear how James reacts when he discovers the identity of Yvette and the reason behind her visit. Will he reveal the secret he’s been keeping to himself? Listen to the episode to find out and pay attention to further examples of

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 8 – Vous êtes la fille de Max !

It’s time for the next instalment of La Vérité éclate toujours and this week, there’s a huge rebondissement (plot twist) as we discover the identity of the mystery visiter. Chapter 8 is based on a dialogue between James and new character, Yvette, so we hear some everyday, informal French in this week’s episode. Listen out

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 7 – Tout à coup on frappa à la porte

The plot thickens in the latest instalment of La Vérité éclate toujours! In Chapter 7, James is questioned further by the police before an unexpected visitor appears at his hotel. Listen to the episode to find out more – c’est parti ! Welcome to our new podcast for advanced French learners. In each episode of

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 6 – Il se sentit perdu, désemparé, désespéré …

After James suspects he was being followed when leaving the hospital, he carefully reflects on his every move since arriving in Paris, in an attempt to work out who this mysterious person may be. His friend’s life is at stake and for the first time in his career as a journalist, he feels powerless –

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 5 – Max était bien un battant …

The mystery continues in Chapter 5 of La Vérité éclate toujours as James arrives at the hospital to see Max, only to discover that he is in a critical condition. As James tries to make sense of what has happened, he wonders what Max has got himself involved in. Sur quoi donc travaillait Max ?

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 4 – James se sentit pris de panique

It’s time for the next instalment of our crime novel, La Vérité éclate toujours, for advanced learners of French. Following a stressful interrogation from the Police, James returns to his hotel in turmoil, wondering whether to start investigating what has happened to Max. Is his friend not the person he thought he was? What might

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 3 – Tout ça me paraît un peu bizarre …

When an inspector arrives at Max’s apartment, James finds himself being questioned about the incident. Listen to the conversation between James and the inspector in the latest episode of La Vérité éclate toujours. Welcome to our new podcast for advanced French learners. In each episode of the story, published fortnightly, we’ll be following a chapter

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 2 – Il n’y a plus une seconde à perdre

When James manages to get into Max’s apartment he is perturbed by what he finds there. Listen to this week’s episode of La Vérité éclate toujours to find out exactly what happens. Welcome to the second episode of our new podcast for advanced French learners. In each episode of the story, published fortnightly, we’ll be

Coffee Break French

Chapitre 1 – Quelque chose ne collait vraiment pas !

James has been summoned to Paris by his friend Max under mysterious circumstances. Unsure of what to expect, he heads to the apartment where Max lives. But what will he find there? Welcome to the first episode of our new podcast for advanced French learners. In each episode of the story, published fortnightly, we’ll be