Coffee Break Italian

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.31 | La Mia Estate ep1 – Facciamo le valigie!

We’re back with another lesson of Coffee Break Italian, and in lesson 31 we’re presenting the first episode of our Italian soap opera, La Mia Estate. You’ll meet three of our characters: Mia, her friend Anna, and her overprotective father Riccardo. In each of the ten episodes of La Mia Estate, you’ll be hearing Italian

Coffee Break Italian

Introducing Walk, Talk and Learn Italian

As we WALK around the streets of Italy, we’ll TALK about the language we see around us, and you’ll LEARN more Italian! Walk, Talk and Learn! Welcome to this new series from the Coffee Break Italian team in which we’ll be helping you build your understanding of Italian and increase your vocabulary through our regular

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.30 | Review lesson

This episode of Coffee Break Italian is a review episode, covering many of the topics discussed in lessons 1-29. With Francesca, Isla and Mark you’ll review the pronouns ci and ne, how to form the perfect, how to choose between the perfect and imperfect, and much more.

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.29 | Ho molti amici molto simpatici

It’s time to take a detailed look at a topic which, on the surface, can seem straightforward, but when you get into it in more detail it can get a bit more complicated. We’re talking about adverbs: words which “describe” a verb, or which give more information as how quickly, effectively, badly etc., you’re doing

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.28 | Dopo aver fatto colazione, vado al lavoro

In this episode of Coffee Break Italian we’re looking at two constructions which will help you increase your range of expression easily and effectively. You’ll learn to use prima di + infinitive and dopo + past infinitive with both avere and essere verbs. Once you’ve mastered these expressions you’ll be able to talk about “before

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.27 | Fra 10 minuti dobbiamo essere da tuo zio!

We’re back with the second instalment of our two-part preposition marathon. In this episode you’ll learn all you need to know about the prepositions di, da, con, per and tra/fra. Once again, there are some crucial nuances with certain prepositions which can completely change the meaning, so listen carefully in this lesson! As usual, Francesca

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.26 | Preferisci andare in palestra o a teatro?

This is the first of our two-part preposition marathon! In this episode you’ll learn all you need to know about the prepositions a, in and su. Using prepositions in Italian can be quite tricky, particularly because they don’t work the same way as in English. There’s also the fact that, when combined with the definite

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.25 | Chi è quella persona che lavora in biblioteca?

In this episode you’ll learn everything you need to know about asking questions in Italian. We’ll cover come, dove, quando, chi, perché, quale, quali, quanto/a/e/i and, of course, che, che cosa and cosa! By the time you’ve completed this lesson you’ll be able to satisfy your curiosity in Italian by asking any question.

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.24 | Chi va a Roma perde la poltrona

In this lesson we’re focusing on combining the Perfect and the Imperfect which together allow us to tell stories in the past. You’ll consolidate what you already know about each of the tenses and you’ll recognise certain words and expressions which trigger the Perfect or the Imperfect. Francesca also has some mystery Italian personalities for

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.23 | Cosa facevi quando ti ho telefonato?

In this lesson we’re focusing on combining the Perfect and the Imperfect which together allow us to tell stories in the past. You’ll consolidate what you already know about each of the tenses and you’ll recognise certain words and expressions which trigger the Perfect or the Imperfect. Francesca also has some mystery Italian personalities for

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.22 | Preparavo la cena quando Luca è arrivato

We’ve now learned both the Perfect Tense and the Imperfect Tense in Italian, but when do you use which tense? ​In this episode of Coffee Break Italian we’ll be talking about “thtooms” and “dum-de-dum-de-dums”. This is Mark’s method of explaining how you can combine the Perfect Tense and the Imperfect Tense in one sentence to

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.21 | C’era molta gente e non faceva troppo freddo

In this lesson we’re focusing on a new tense, the imperfect, which is used for descriptions and to talk about repeated actions in the past. It’s a very straightforward tense, and Francesca shares some great news about the Imperfect in this episode! As usual, there are lots of examples and Mark and Francesca will test

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.20 | Non ha mai provato la pizza napoletana!

In this lesson you’ll learn to use four very useful adverbs: mai (ever), già (already), appena (just) and ancora (still/yet) to talk about what you’ve just done, what you’ve already done, what you’ve never done and what you’ve not yet done. This very useful lesson builds on what you’ve learned in previous episodes, and it

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.19 | Ti è piaciuta la pastiera?

In this episode we’re looking at how you say you liked something in the past using the verb piacere. This verb is conjugated with essere and you have to be careful with how you agree the past participle. We’ll also be taking a look at how reflexive verbs work in the Perfect Tense in this

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.18 | A che ora sono arrivati?

So far we’ve been learning how to talk in the past by using the Perfect Tense with avere. In this lesson we’ll be learning about a specific group of verbs which use essere in the Perfect Tense. There’s something in particular we need to remember about these verbs, and all will become clear once you’ve

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.17 | Abbiamo visto tutto!

In this episode of Coffee Break Italian, we’re continuing to learn about the Perfect Tense, this time focusing on verbs which have irregular past participles. You’ll learn to form past participles for irregular verbs and you’ll also learn about the groupings of irregular verbs which form their past participles in similar ways. Listen to the

Coffee Break Italian

CBI 2.16 | Abbiamo imparato molto!

It’s time to think about the past. We’ve already seen examples of the Perfect Tense, one of the main Italian tenses used to talk about what happened in the past, but so far we’ve not learned exactly how to use it. In this lesson you’ll be learning to form the past participle of -are, -ere